Saturday, September 11, 2010

New Article Published on Journal of Media Practice

One of the best pieces I have ever written was an article on the nature of new technology, more specifically the iPod, and how it colors and informs daily life.

I am happy to say that the reputable Journal of Media Practice has recently published it. The article appears in Volume 11, Issue 2 of the journal. The title of the piece is: "Gendering technology: in and out of the box A theory-informed reading of the iPod." You may read the details on the piece here and here. You may also hear the new remix by subscribing to the journal or by hearing it on any campus network.

My grateful thanks to my über-talented friends, Liam Hesselbein of Calico and Camille Nelson for allowing their music to be integrated with my written word.

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Anonymous said...

Right on! Journal of Media Practice? Cool. I can't hear it from my computer if I'm not on an education network but I'll check it out from a campus or by registering to the journal. I like the idea of creative integration.
Did you add anything to the original text?

JJ said...

Look forward to checking it out. thx, b.r.

Will said...

It costs $18 to buy it directly from the journal. And it's free for people who access it from a campus. I'll be checking it out this week, B.R. Congrats! How's the West treating you, by the way?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations:) I think that is one of the best pieces you have written.
Hugs J

B.R. said...

It is a really good journal and I'm honored to be featured in it. Thanks.
You can access it on campuses but if you'd like to read it from home or other networks, you'd need to purchase it from the journal. You're right, it's listed for $18.00. All proceeds go to the journal, of course.
Thanks, J. I know you'll do great out there. I look forward to hearing how it goes. And thanks for the note.

Sra said...

Congratulations! That is an excellent piece, and it deserves publication.