Monday, September 28, 2009

New Muse Video

It's full of apocalyptic themes, 50's Americana, and teddy bears?

Naturally, I approve.

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Jason Schwartzman's Bored to Death

Another reason to continue to like Jason Schwartzman is his new show on HBO called Bored to Death.

You will especially react to the show if you're in the creative business. And you'll definitely appreciate the humor if you've ever been in the pangs of writer's/artist's block.

Also, if you already like author Jonathan Ames, you will definitely like this as, well,it is created by him and Schwartzman's character is called Jonathan Ames.

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German Elections and Cable Talk

A favorite thing of mine is news commentary and cable talk. The thing becomes even more enjoyable to me when I follow German commentary. The coverage of the last election which resulted yesterday in Merkel winning was quite gripping.

Those of you who do German will undoubtedly get a kick out of the 'bias' in this Merkel v Westerwelle commentary. By way of context, Merkel is a conservative and Westerwelle is a liberal. The openly gay leader of the FDP allied with Angela Merkel who will continue to be chancellor. Westerwelle will most likely be vice chancellor and Foreign Minister.
Quite a marriage, indeed!
Ah, also the caption of the video on Spiegel TV says: "Hochzeitsnacht: Westerwelle kuschelt, Merkel mahnt." Translated, "Wedding night: Westerwelle's cuddling whereas Merkel is exhorting."
Hmm. Tough to pick up on bias there.
Watch this. I found it oddly entertaining.

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Rightwinger, German Style

In light of the elections in Germany, I've been reading a number of various German politics- and culture-related news.
This one, via Matt Yglesias, takes the cake.
He writes:
"Germany’s Free Democrats have a lot of pro-business tax cutting views, much like our Republicans. But they’re also liberal on cultural questions. Thus things like these t-shirts people were wearing at their election party last night:

The t-shirts say roughly: “make love, not tax forms.”
More here.
Tip of the hat to Yglesias.

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