Sunday, January 11, 2009

Facebook Revisited

I reactivated my Facebook.
Because, thanks to my person's help, I won't have to spend time on it and enjoy the ok features it has to offer such as quicker functions than traditional email.
I consider myself a blogger first and no shifting has occurred in the hierarchy, of course.
So, E., a Facebook-er, indeed!

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Anonymous said...

Of course, it needs to be 'not' labor-intensive and, of course, you'd concur with it provided it was the former.
I like that it allows me to share things to a common register. Saves time, is all.

Anonymous said...

Saw it and IN! :)
Blogger first, yes, good hierarchy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, what D said.
And the blackberry has a category for this, so, it's no time loss really....

Anonymous said...

Die Familie sagt, jawohl! Und so sagen die Freunde!!

aflo said...

Wow!!! I am in shock. No more Veni, vidi, left...

Anonymous said...

I especially like the minimalism of it. Ha. Funny, yet authentic. Of course!

Anonymous said...

Occasional, rare, what kind of activity are we talking about here?
I know you think it as a hassle, so just wondering why you're in it.

Anonymous said...

I also have it to kind of be out there for the people I went to school with and such.
I don't get the fascination many have with it, either.
It's like a phonebook. You look at it when you want to quickly say 'hi' to the girl who helped you pass Algebra in high school. ;)

B.R. said...

I had it set up so that it's not labor-intensive and it serves the purposes I want it to serve. Economy of speech, I'm all for it!
It's minimalistic and information-oriented as basically all else in my world.
So, I use it when I need or wish to. Mostly the latter. Tempered minimalism, Brooke, of course.

Sra said...

I have an account and keep thinking I should delete it except that one of my actual, real life friends uses it as her preferred method of communication.

My biggest complaint about it, besides all the time-wasting and pointless apps, is that I get "friended" by people I don't really consider my friends or even acquaintances. But I feel like I can't deny these friend requests. A few times I had to pull out the yearbook to figure out who people were, and then I was like, "Oh, yeah, I remember seeing you in the hallways in high school. Did we ever talk?" I think some people just like to collect as many friends as possible.

B.R. said...

Right, Sra. I agree. I enjoy it now because I have gotten to get back in touch with the people I went to school with pre-university. You know, a touch of the old world and all that. It's good. Plus, it's nice to keep in touch with family and friends from all over the world. And in my case, many of my relationships and familial contacts are all over, ergo, I approve of the program.
I had it custom-made though, so I only use a handful of relevant applications.

Anonymous said...

Ha, that thing called the humor of Bri.

Liam said...

i think you'll find it superior to any other social networking site. i have it set up to where i don't show up in searches, and it's pretty private that way.

B.R. said...

Liam, I had mine set up in a similar fashion and I have to say I concur.

Anonymous said...

There needs to be adequate space out there for the kind per person who engages publicly but who is deeply private.
I get that.
Good on you.

Anonymous said...

I've always seen your point, though. Privacy in cyber world works the way privacy in public space works.