Monday, January 14, 2008

Rebel, Über-cool Cook Anthony Bourdain Meets Confucius?

Experiencing Anthony Bourdain is like encountering some über-human hybrid consisting of James Dean and Martha Stewart.
He is one of the most fascinating pop culture characters I discovered in 2007. And I enjoy his blog as well. He uses culinary 'tropes' to tackle real-life issues and that skill alone is reason enough to enjoy him.
The best sentence I read today comes from his blog:

"It's a point of view popular among internet nerds and cubicle geeks who've never done a minute's physical labor in their lives, the same people who take photographs of every course at their favorite restaurants, convinced that it's Jean Georges himself in there, personally boning out their squab."
Read his blog here.
graph her Bourdain's own blog

Dimitri's Discussion of the Humanities, Part Zwei

Upon repeated requests from some Heteronormativity and Performativity readers, my good friend and collaborator, Dimitri, is contributing another post on the Humanities.
Thank you, Dimitri for contributing to a most relevant and important topic of discussion.
To access Dimitri's blog, click here.

Boundaries between sciences and humanitarian disciplines exist only in part thanks to objective qualitative differences between the phenomena that they study and methods employed by their practitioners. No reason should convince us to respect these boundaries. New disciplines and approaches prove most useful when they breach these mostly artifactual boundaries. In many ways the language we speak defines our vision and prevents communication with someone studying the same subject using a different language.

Let me give you an example. In the middle of the 19th century few disciplines seemed as disparate as psychiatry and anatomy. Theodor Meynert, an Austrian anatomist, spent the early part of his career dissecting the brains of deceased patients at the Vienna Asylum. Through this experience, he came to appreciate the significance of anatomy in diagnosing mental disease and argued that psychiatry should become a branch of neuropathology, a controversial position at the time. He became the founder of the brain psychiatry movement. His 1874 treatise Psychiatry: Diseases of the Forebrain became a textbook in both neuroanatomy and clinical psychiatry. Neurobiology today owes much to Meynert's anatomic methods. Using Meynert's techniques and observations, his student Carl Wernicke formulated the disconnection theory of aphasia and modern theories of regional and hemispheric specialization of the brain.

Meynert's most acclaimed student, Sigmund Freud, was fully immersed in his teacher's mindset and recognized the organic origin of the mind. Daunted perhaps by the complexity of the physiological approach to the mind, Freud shied away from physiology and developed his psychoanalysis -- an abstract dead-end discipline that has never passed the muster of empirical proof or brought about any effective treatment.

Meynert coined the term Ego denoting the totality of structural connectivity patterns in the brain formed and honed by the experiences specific to the individual. This conception of the psychological personality remains coherent with modern neuroscience research, over a century later. Freud's redefined ego, super-ego, and id remain abstract 19th-century ideas.

What lesson do we learn from this? Insistence on the unity of knowledge, or consilience, and disregard for constructed barriers will always push our understanding forward. Another lesson: doing so may not make you more famous than someone who will help you blame your problems on your mother.

What boundaries will we disregard tomorrow? How about the boundaries between arts, literature, engineering, science, ethics, and philosophy. Let's recognize and understand the tools that each employ and apply them in every unlikeliest permutation.

Where Is the New Music of '08?

Like one of my favorite bloggers, Carrie Brownstein over at NPR's Monitor Mix, I have been wondering about new music releases from 2008. The iTunes store looks uninteresting and since it's currently not schooling me on new things, I thought I'd try my next resource, my 'music' people who are always plugged in.
'Nothing new so far,' they say in frighteningly similar unison.
'I'm still listening to Radiohead.' says Will
Whereas Ben's playlist will be 'oh-so-2007' for another couple of months as per his admission. 2007 did produce some good titles, though, so I don't blame him.

Carrie's feeling on the matter reflects mine almost perfectly. She writes:

'If this were 1975, the month would have delivered us Dylan's Blood on the Tracks. And in January of 1980, London Calling by the Clash arrived.
Instead, it's been a month of pulling out old records -- revisiting Mahalia Jackson and the Fall, the Chills and Soundgarden. But I'm ready for that first jolt of the new, a soundtrack, or at least a sounding board, with which to freshly interpret the world.'

Yes, indeed, fresh interpretations are welcome. Music, please. Like Carrie, I'm done with Radiohead.
And as I write this, a little Flight of the Conchords song by Jemaine and Bret comes to mind. Methinks rebooting is in order.
To read more of Carrie Brownstein's work, go here.