Friday, December 19, 2008

Which Things Do You Pack First?

When I got that question I didn't have a difficult time answering. As a matter of fact, the answer came as quickly as the machine-like act of packing itself.
When traveling, I pack the following first:

1) Books I'm dealing with at the moment.
2) Laptop regardless of the nature of the trip, business and/or pleasure.
3) iPod fully updated with fresh playlists.
4) Notepad and 3 different color pens.
5) The cord jackets.
6) The Bob Dylan t-shirt.
7) Urban shoes.
8) Hair products.
9) Orbit

Something that dawned on me just now is that the contents of the luggage are a mere reflection of daily life/general existence. As I was just told, 'You can tell so much about someone based on what and how they pack.'

I have to say I concur.

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Anonymous said...

I love the order!
Number 7: Urban shoes.

Clarify. What kind and why?

Anonymous said...

I understand the relevance of the Dylan shirt!

Anonymous said...

And I tend to pack socks even though I don't really care much for socks. Odd.
Oh yeah, need the iPod too.
Wait, no Berry?

Anonymous said...

Ah, number 7. Makes sense. Shine comes with good care, after all.
How do you handle no gadget time and more specifically what's the longest you have gone without your laptop?
I have a hard time staying away from it. It's easy to get hooked on info, I guess.

Sra said...

I always pack more socks and underwear than the number of days in my trip. I don't know why I do this, as I've never needed the extras.

Anonymous said...

different shades of lipstick

Anonymous said...

"Something that dawned on me just now is that the contents of the luggage are a mere reflection of daily life/general existence. As I was just told, 'You can tell so much about someone based on what and how they pack.'"
In the words of one, I concur, too!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last statement, too.

Anonymous said...

Why the Dylan shirt?

Anonymous said...

Also, are you going to post a blog of the most favorite 2008 playlists since the year is coming to an end?