Friday, November 7, 2008

Maddow on Colbert

We quite enjoy Rachel Maddow around here. Check her political commentary show, The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. This week she was on the Colbert Report.


Anonymous said...

We enjoy her too!
She was on Leno back in Oct., actually, and i think she had the same Converse on. I know shoes are trivial but 'tis the season to discuss wardrobe now :)
Her commentary is so smart and informed, though!
Btw, thx!

Anonymous said...

What makes her so special is the fact that she's so unique and happy to be unique, you know? I mean, look att he shoes and I do think they play a certain role.
Even though Page 6 supposedly reported that the execs gave her a makeover for her show and don't let her wear her, as they call them, Drew Carey-esque glasses, she's still uniquely Rachel. More importantly, she's a Rhodes scholar, has a doctorate and always pays attention to context. Having said that, how could people not respect and like her?
We're fans of her here too and want her to do well.

Anonymous said...

What makes her so special is the fact that she's so unique and happy to be unique, you know? I mean, look att he shoes and I do think they play a certain role.
Even though Page 6 supposedly reported that the execs gave her a makeover for her show and don't let her wear her, as they call them, Drew Carey-esque glasses, she's still uniquely Rachel. More importantly, she's a Rhodes scholar, has a doctorate and always pays attention to context. Having said that, how could people not respect and like her?
We're fans of her here too and want her to do well.

Anonymous said...

She is my current favorite in cable news. She knows her stuff, studies hard, and even though she has a bias, or 'point of view' as she says, she can at least present her points cogently.
I like.

Anonymous said...

She is my current favorite in cable news. She knows her stuff, studies hard, and even though she has a bias, or 'point of view' as she says, she can at least present her points cogently.
I like.

Anonymous said...

Oh, did you see her on Leno?
She was great. She came right after Mark Wahlberg, I think. You Tube it. It's good.

Anonymous said...

"The surface is the nice, shuny part."
Ha. Colbert is too funny. I agree, though. What makes her good is her going deeper into things and questioning the surface.
And, yes, on the shoes!

Anonymous said...

"The surface is the nice, shuny part."
Ha. Colbert is too funny. I agree, though. What makes her good is her going deeper into things and questioning the surface.
And, yes, on the shoes!

Anonymous said...

I meant to wrote 'shiny'.... I didn't just make up a word, in care you were wondering :)

Anonymous said...

Go Rachel!
Such a rarity to see smart, informed people on TV!

Anonymous said...

Two pundits at it. Love it!

Sra said...

Everyone has a bias; it's human.

I like her fashionable glasses, but I do think they fare better as guest wear rather than host wear. I love the vegan analogy.

As for Colbert, I don't usually like him, but I think he's funnier when he's interviewing someone.