Thursday, November 6, 2008


Most of us who occasionally listen to pundits discussing pre- and post-election texts, suspected that after the results of the election were announced, one of the next topics would be 'What about Palin?'

Palin is receiving a lot of scrutiny post-election. The following clip comes from Fox News.


Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is the background in AZ much too telling here?

Anonymous said...

Ha. I like that: Palin-to-logy.
You, linguists!

Liam said...

she may not have been the best candidate, but i think people are missing a couple main points:
1) she didn't cost the party any votes - the party chose her, so they lost the votes themselves. they should've chosen better or at least prepared her better. either way, i kinda doubt she was jumping up and down saying "pick me, pick me", so this was basically thrust upon her. she was given a once in a lifetime opportunity, and she went with it, hoever ill-prepared she may have been.
2) i bet the majority of this post-election palin-bashing is GOP created. they're just trying to cover their asses while not admitting full responsibility for their poor choice. it's primarily, if not all, spin.
3) mccain lost because obama won. historically the VP candidate only accounts for a very small percentage of the vote, and i doubt any other runningmate could've saved mccain. not to mention obama's campaign vs mccain's. need i say more?

Sra said...

Sounds like a lot of blame throwing to me. I think Liam's comment says it all.

Anonymous said...

I guess they have to 'explain' how they lost. heaven forbid they actually blame a badly run campaign and a lack of message.
It's a bit tacky to deal with Palin at this point. She was analyzed enough during pre-election. That should suffice.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the leaking of these stories. It's in the past, let's move on.

Anonymous said...

Not knowing that Africa is a continent not a country.... WOW!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, why are they behaving like this? What a horrible example to show the world! You lost, get over it. Let the woman mind her own business. Jeez!
So what she thinks Africa is a country....