Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Palin and McCain Administration"

Who is the GOP nominee again?


Liam said...

whose administration? while my pal jan thinks palin is "just a moron", i tend to read the subtext of the statement, albeit possibly unintentional. by saying, "palin and mccain administration," she might be winking at women voters. it's as if she's saying, i'm a woman, and i can lead a country alongside a man. am i the only one who reads the gender in that statement?

Anonymous said...

i think it's the kind of slip that speaks of her confidence to be running in the first place.

Anonymous said...


Sra said...

Maybe she doesn't consider word order important to the meaning of the statement, whether or not the rest of us do. I think it's an honest mistake.

But then again, it could be belying her hope that McCain will keel over during his term and she'll take over the office. :)