Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tom Tykwer's The International

Tom Tykwer can impress. He's shown good range and good overall cinematic judgment in the past. However, his upcoming The International looks like something I won't be making time for when it opens in February.
Clive Owen did so well in Closer.
Naomi Watts was brilliant in Mulholland Drive.
Obviously, the right directors know how to allow these talents to shine. I seriously doubt Tom Tykwer will with this new picture.

Here's the preview for you to consider:


Anonymous said...

Ok, "Lola" was fine.
"Warrior and Princess" watchable.
Other than that, I don't know. Whatever. Not holding my breath or anything......

Anonymous said...

For a second there I thought it was a new Bourne movie.....
Tykwer used to be original.
I hope this works out for him. I might check it out just because he made it.

Anonymous said...

A bit of a cliche, no?
He's not getting out of the pressure zone, I guess. Even the indie folk have to make bank, I suppose.
Yeah, I don't know if I'll see this. If February is a slow month, I might. I don't think I'll go see a Tykwer picture now just 'cause he made it. I would have in 2000, though.

Liam said...

i'd check this out from the library on dvd and probably enjoy the film. it's definitely in that bourne vein, but i love that series and i love clive owen and i loved lola rennt, so...

Anonymous said...

I'd see it for the cast.....

Sra said...

Clive Owen was great in Children of Men, too. And I just saw Mulholland Dr. and was deeply impressed with it all around. But this film looks lacking.

I was wondering where all the new HetPer posts were; I switched my feed reader over to the domain, but then nothing new popped up for quite awhile. So I have some catching up to do.

B.R. said...

Sorry about the HetPer feed confusion. I didn't really want to change domains but it was one of those, rare of course, google confusions. The address is
I agree with the Cline Owen comment. Children of Men was in my top 5 last year.
Try to catch CO in Closer. I cannot think of a better cinematic example of a portrayal of the clash between the Dionysian and the Apollonian..... Patrick Marber's play on which it's based is also worthy of a read.