Saturday, June 21, 2008

Yes, Berlin Is This Great!

"Berlin is the new New York," someone said to me a while back. The statement carried the effect of a very familiar echo. I had, indeed, uttered the same thing to other people a couple of years ago. Indeed, I concurred.
I have long believed that one needs to look at the art that a city has to offer before creating any opinion about that particular place. The reason why I think Seattle and Portland, OR are great urban centers is mostly because of SAM and PAM, respectively.
And the reason why I continue to stay true to my old observation regarding the avant-guard, artistic nature of Berlin is because of how much one can do there in the realm of arts.
Reading this feature today on the Times was a good treat, indeed. A snippet:
"Facts: You could go to art galleries in Berlin for a solid week and find yourself not halfway through a master list. You could spend two weeks wandering Museum Island and still miss a few Romantics; you could spend a career within the Bode Museum."

And by way of a P.S., those of you particularly keen on art galleries, don't forget to check out the Arndt & Partner gallery.
graphs per ny times


Anonymous said...

Awesome spot for the creatives, no doubt.

Anonymous said...

Totally. Show me your art and I'll rate you.

Anonymous said...

Berlin has the exciting energy of a thriving 'hustle and bustle' of an expanding urban center. It also has awesome architecture to support its artistic inclinations.

Anonymous said...

That painting is breath-taking. Berlin's energy is fascinating. A cool hub for the 'creatives'

Liam said...

i still ponder my jump to berlin. it's the only "big" city i've ever felt right in. until then, slc is still small and big enough for me...

aflo said...

What is there not to love about Berlin. Amazing place to live!

ZeitgeistBoheme said...

Berlin has some of the most amazing art in the world from any time period . You're sure to make profound personal discoveries. The scale of the museums is more satisfying than in larger cities because you can actually take in the art. Berlin curators carefully select and limit their offerings to best enhance pondering. It decreases the museum fatigue I always get at the Met and Moma despite how great they are.