Monday, January 12, 2009

Garotas Suecas

Tip of the hat to Carrie for the pointer.
I did not know about the music of Garotas Suecas till just now and am glad to have added them to the list of new music to consider.
Below is a sample.
If garage rock/slightly punk-ish sounds are something you enjoy occasionally, this might be a good one. If Pop Art a-la-Warhol is more your thing, then the video might strike a chord, too. The video, actually, did strike a major chord with me.
Either way, this Brazilian band has various gripping things to offer and I'll give them some time.
Their Myspace page is here.

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Anonymous said...

Funky! I like the sound.
Are they performing anywhere near?

Anonymous said...

Creative vid!
Pretty novel sound too. thx.

B.R. said...

I was surprized, too. I don't have anything that sounds like this. Carrie B. knows her stuff when it comes to music.
I am strangely drawn by the video even though it's not necessarily what my aesthetics is about.
They're performing in the New York area and Brazil for now.

Anonymous said...

This is good, Bri. thks.

Anonymous said...

I'll def. check these guys out. thx, Bri. Yes, more music info, please.

Anonymous said...

Garage rock in Portuguese?
Leave it to you to find it all, Bri. :)

Anonymous said...

Listening to these guys now. Good stuff. Novel.

Anonymous said...

The Brazilian version of Warhol-esque Oasis?
Cool sound.

Anonymous said...

Listening to it now. Thks for this. I needed new beats....