Sunday, October 26, 2008

Don Draper's Guide

Those of you who enjoy AMC's Mad Men, especially its leading character Don Draper as played by Jon Hamm, will find this SNL bit worthy of a chuckle. A previous blog is here.


Anonymous said...

Jon Hamm IS funny!

Anonymous said...

Smooth operator 60's style. Jon Hamm is quite a find. Mad Men is one of the only shows I watch.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above. Jon Hamm is a must-see. I wish I watched Mad Men more often....

Anonymous said...

He's got this old-Hollywood thing going but at the same time he's so fluid. Amy Poehler is too funny. When in doubt, say nothing... Classic!

Anonymous said...

Still laughing......

Anonymous said...

HA. Be vague. :) Did you catch the season finale of Mad Men?