Sunday, September 28, 2008

Phrase of the Week

Well, folks, the phrase of last week had to be Katie Couric's "...not to belabor the point..."
Having in mind all the traffic, buzz, and attention her Palin interview engendered, I think it gets the cake.


Anonymous said...

As someone says, this is oh-so-high-frequency.
Not to belabor it, of course. :))

Anonymous said...

As someone says, this is oh-so-high-frequency.
Not to belabor it, of course. :))

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the double post, she says, as she posts a third time! :)

Anonymous said...

Not to belabor the point, but that Tina Fey skit was sadly funny.

Anonymous said...

Not to belabor the point, but I do think the point needs belaboring so that the point may be made eventually.
Wow. that's a belabored sentence!