Monday, September 15, 2008

Gendering the iPod: Theory and the Media

As a result of Ike's aftermath, we found ourselves without power here in Columbus, OH. We are still, as a matter of fact, sans electricity. Starbucks, however, is open and all the outlets were occupied today.
Slogan of the day: 'In Starbucks We Trust'....?
So, my hat goes off to modernity this week, more specifically, electricity.
Some of you have asked questions about certain Gender Theory jargon items. Ergo, I'm posting this as an example of literary theory applications to various Pop Culture notions.
I contributed this piece a while back for public radio. As I've already intimated in previous posts, I happen to fully agree with Nietzsche's music-loving, dying Socrates in that music precedes other forms of speech/language. And this piece is premised on the power of expression that music engenders.

In this piece I gender the iPod.
Click here to hear a gendered reading of the iPod.

graphs per apple, google images


Anonymous said...

Thank you!
I absolutely love this piece. What a great idea to employ something as ubiquitous as the iPod to make a literary point.
I like this. I like this a lot. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

"It signifies such a new beginning, such a sense of possibility....."
Methinks someone was thinking of Henry James here???

Anonymous said...

"Don't be so puerile. It's just an iPod, you'll get another...."
It's never JUST an iPod. :)

Anonymous said...

Might I ask why you picked Indie Rock n Roll as the main soundtrack for the piece? Was it a narrative-based decision or simply something you truly enjoy?

Anonymous said...

Might I ask why you picked Indie Rock n Roll as the main soundtrack for the piece? Was it a narrative-based decision or simply something you truly enjoy?

Sra said...

I love it, great piece! I didn't recognize your voice for the first half minute or so, but then I heard you in there. I'm sorry about the death of your ipod on 1300. :(

Anonymous said...

gadgets have a way of making me happy, switching to to the iPod.....
Cool intro.
I really like this.

Anonymous said...

"At that moment it was all about rock.... The Killers singing 'it's Indie Rock n Roll' right after...
The editing on this piece is simply right on!

Anonymous said...

"At that moment it was all about rock.... The Killers singing 'it's Indie Rock n Roll' right after...
The editing on this piece is simply right on!

Anonymous said...

Are you up and running now? How goes the work without electricity for you?
I love this piece, but you already knew that. When the radio first played it, I remember pulling over since I needed to laugh out loud at those references you make. Solid, solid. Thanks and if the power's still not back on, hang on. I hope you're not reading too much by candlelight.

Anonymous said...

Dana P., that is....

Anonymous said...

Ok, what's really doing it for me is the 'box reading.' DOn't know what you were reading then, but this is, well, poetic.

Anonymous said...

By the way, how relevant is Foucault this days....?

Anonymous said...

Are these shows broadcast in other parts of the country Are they streamed somewhere?
Does one need permission to play them in other settings for educational purposes?

Anonymous said...

Here's a question I meant to ask you last time I heard this played on the radio. How do you go about deciding whether it's ok to get a replacement iPod? Other than cost, do you consider other things when making an informed decision to get another gadget?

Anonymous said...

Ha. "In Starbucks We Trust."
Are you trademarking this?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering where I could hear this again after checking it out on the radio, so thx much!!

Anonymous said...

Are you going to make the other pieces available too? Where are they streamed?

Anonymous said...

Are you not posting new entries b/c of a lack of power in your area?

Anonymous said...

How can I download this onto my iPod?

Anonymous said...

How can I download this onto my iPod?

aflo said...


Anonymous said...

when you get a chance, could you tell me how i can upload this to my ipod?

Anonymous said...

The mix in this one is brilliant!

Anonymous said...

there's nothing trivial about the ipod. nothing at all. thx for this. had been missing it since after it aired on the radio...... rock on, B-to-the-R!!!

Anonymous said...

there's nothing trivial about the ipod. nothing at all. thx for this. had been missing it since after it aired on the radio...... rock on, B-to-the-R!!!