On a day like today I wish for more hours in, well, a day. I only had a two-hour block to dedicate to the new Andy Warhol exhibit that The Ohio State University's Wexner Center for the Arts is showing.
What an experience it is!
I could have gotten lost in the sea of information and I nigh did.
The video installations alone are out of this world and in need of much more attention than just two hours. Looking at the array of video clips from the 80's was surreal. It takes a little stroll down the street of any city to see traces of clothing texts inspired by the 80's. However, looking at authentic video presentations from the 80's is, indeed, a poetic thing.
Many of the featured clips come from the Andy Warhol TV. In them, Warhol can be seen chatting with many celebrities of his time. Warhol's obsession with celebrity and certain kinds of aesthetic presentations can be witnessed readily in these clips. He appears chatty, extroverted, interested. At the same time, there's also a shadow of timidness, even awkwardness, that seems to surround him. Looking at the clips I thought to myself, 'Hm, he looks like he's almost pinching himself thinking: Am I really 'in' now? Do these beautiful people accept this poor boy from Pittsburgh as one of them?'
Well, any time I have a chance to see a Warhol exhibit, I make sure to do so. Warhol's work reveals much about present life and the present condition and state of pop art. He continues to be relevant. Last time I had a chance to see some of his work was back in Minneapolis in 2004. The Wexner exhibit is, by far, one of the most memorable museum experiences I have had so far. It captures the art that is Warhol beautifully. What a character, what a piece of art.
If you find yourselves in Central Ohio, make it a point to catch this.
Go here to get more information.
graphs per wexner
i'd love to see such a collection of his work. i've only seen a couple in the guggenheim bilbao. i think the U owns one, but i haven't seen it. i'll be in the museum for a wedding next month, so i'll make a point of finding his piece...
I'd love to see this, too.
Before I go to a museum I make sure to have a nice meal and be well hydrated.
Any traces of Studio 54?
This looks like a great bit. How much should I plan?
It's the 'recreation' of the Studio 54 feel that I'd like to check out.
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