Sunday, October 18, 2009

Location, location

The Times has another feature on the social benefits of the clustering effect which I recommend. Location is never an inconsequential question.

A bit says:
"Ms. Hopkins of Morningside Heights says that her willingness to travel for Mr. Shapiro of Brooklyn Heights began on their first date, which took them from a play to a party on the Lower East Side — on a Thursday night, no less.

“On the $25 cab ride home,” Ms. Hopkins wrote in an e-mail message, “I called my friend, and said, ‘I just went below 14th Street after 10 p.m.’ To which he replied, ‘You like him!’ ”

The couple have been dating for seven months, and Ms. Hopkins has moved her line in the sand farther south.

“Rob could move to Sheepshead Bay and I’d make it work,” she said. "

More here.

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