Friday, May 22, 2009

New Videocast: Is Adam Lambert's Androgyny a Text of Anxiety?

In this piece of Gendering the Media with Brikena Ribaj, I thought I would talk about the text of androgyny and the anxiety it may inspire.

The questions I raise are: Does the text of androgyny inform anxiety? Why?

I talk about American Idol, Pat Buchanan, make-up and eyeliner, and of course, literary theory. Because they all go so well together, I find.

Incidentally, I do not watch American Idol but I did notice the healthy amount of press that Adam Lambert generated. Naturally, I was curious and made it a point to see snippets of the finale.

The text of gender was indeed worthy an episode, I found.

You may view this new episode here.

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New Videocast: What's Up with Dante's Pettiness?

In this episode I talk about Dante's rarely discussed 'petty' character.

This was first inspired by a conversation I had with a close friend about Dante's choice of characters in his Inferno.

You may view this episode here.

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