Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Videocast: Anxiety and Wanderlust in the German Middle Ages

This is the most recent recording for my second podcast series De Amore: On Love with Brikena Ribaj.
This piece is about the character of Gahmuret in the German narrative from the Middle Ages, Parzival.

The question I tackle here is: "Why is it that the best of knights are always in a state of anxiety?" "Why do they have the urge to move from adventure to adventure?"

Familiarity with Wolfram von Eschebach's Parzival or the earlier French version, Perceval, the Story of the Grail by Chrétien de Troyes, can help but it's not a must.

All the episodes are now uploaded and running on iTunes as well as the blog.

You can view this episode here.

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