Wednesday, April 15, 2009

James A. Schultz' Book

Those of you interested in Literary and Gender Theory and the literature of the Middle Ages will enjoy James A. Schultz' excellent book Courtly Love, the Love of Courtliness, and the History of Sexuality.

I was asked by the journal German Quarterly to review Schultz' book and I happily reviewed it. Schultz' work is amazingly well contextualized, elegantly written, and smart.

A bit of my review says:

"Schultz's Courtly Love, the Love of Courtliness, and the History of Sexuality, provides an informed and contextualized investigation of courtly love and the courtliness aspect of this form of love in the German Middle Ages. This carefully historicized and gender-focused work will be a helpful tool not only for German and European medievalists but also gender theorists and scholars of any literary period."

You can read that review here.

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Did You Know?

Tip of the hat to David for the pointer.

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RIP, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick

With sadness I express that today marks the death of one of the most influential gender theorists of our time, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick.

Sedgwick's systematic and subtle work on the anxieties and relations between people who shared the same sex was instrumental in creating the field of Queer Theory.

Another very interesting thing about Sedgwick is that in real life she was a practicing heterosexual, married to a man. For some very bizarre reason, many found it odd that she should be one of the founders of Queer Theory, even though she is a straight woman. In her work and real life, Sedgwick stood for fluidity and I will be missing terribly her contributions to the field.

Rest in peace, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick.

Note: I will go to the studio in the next hour and my next videocast will be related to Sedgwick's work.

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